The Lord put this topic on my heart so strongly. What does it mean truly to have Eyes As Pure As Christ’s?
I used to have a veil that covered my eyes. I physically could not see the good in my life, because instead of focusing on my blessings I focused on pain, regret, shame, and past trauma. It consumed me to the point it was all I could see.
Have you ever been so crippled with anxiety that going to a largely crowded place made your skin crawl? Or the second you wake up you don’t thank God for the gift of waking, but instead are terrified that events in the day could be your very last? Anxiety truly used to control every aspect of my life and I let it, for way too long. Does this sound familiar? If so keep reading, I have the tools to help you through it!
This past year I have made it my biggest priority to seek God in all I do. I asked him to help me in the areas I needed healing and he did. One day I asked him to help me remove the veil that covered my eyes. The following week multiple events took place that showed me he was speaking to me. While watching a movie an inappropriate scene came on and I felt the spirit so strongly say to me, “this is not of me,” so I turned it off and started praying. A few days later while scrolling instagram Heavenly Father showed me so many things and said, “this is not of me,” so I deleted stories and logged out of my personal account, for good. Fast forward a few days after that I was listening to a song and I heard the spirit again so strongly say, “this is not of me.” Then while scrolling YouTube, again the spirit said, “this is not of me.” I realized in that moment the enemy truly orchestrates our feeds and I was done. Then to finalize it, while having a conversation with someone who was a good godly person they gave me counsel and I heard the spirit say, "this is not of me." To have the pure eyes of Christ, meant to separate myself from all things not of him.
God showed me the enemy is one thousand percent behind our social media feed’s and twist’s all of God’s word and council. In today’s world pornography is everywhere. If you have never struggled with it and or have never been with a spouse that has, you truly will never understand how detrimental it is to your walk with the Lord. I have seen it ruin so many good things. What God created for people in love, this world has twisted and made so dark.
Another thing I want to speak on before diving into the dark topic, "pornography." Having Eyes As Pure As Christ' also means do not always believing the things (comments, opinions, and feelings) placed in front of us. People in our lives, family, and friends will forever give you council that "protect's you." However, is it protecting you if it enables you? Does it truly protect you if it does not touch on/make you recognize your own faults? Does it bring it back to God's word each and every time? People place things in front of us (their opinions & feelings) on matters in our lives, because we give them the "right" to. When we share our frustrations, pains, and issues with ourselves/others we are truly giving the enemy legal right to cover your eyes from God's truth. I urge you strongly, to stop seeking outside counsel. People mean well, but what is God trying to show you? What has he already shown you? Outside counsel cannot see your spouse in all the way the Lord has commanded you to. They cannot see your children and have the same patience as you do. Outside influences are poison to your eyesight. Outside influence might as well really be called, "the veil over our eyes."The only sight we should aim to have is Eyes as Pure as Christ.
Ok now to talk about the dark stuff
Addiction to pornography is often shamed, and I am guilty of shaming of past partners. I wish I looked past my own insecurity and the pain it was causing me and just loved them more. I wish I prayed for their deliverance.. This addiction ruins intimacy, trust, reassurance, security, and respect. When reading Jacob in the Book of Mormon he speaks on this.
2: 7 -11 Jacob, who told the men of his day that it grieved him to speak so boldly in front of their sensitive wives and children. But notwithstanding the difficulty of the task, he said he had to speak to the men about this subject because God had commanded him (see Jacob 2:7–11). I do so for the same reason.
In the second chapter of the book that bears his name, Jacob condemns men for their “whoredoms” (Jacob 2:23, 28). He told them they had “broken the hearts of [their] tender wives, and lost the confidence of [their] children, because of [their] bad examples before them” (Jacob 2:35). !!!!
What were these grossly wicked “whoredoms”? No doubt some men were already guilty of evil acts. But the main focus of Jacob’s great sermon was not with evil acts completed, but with evil acts contemplated.
Jacob began his sermon by telling the men that “as yet, [they had] been obedient unto the word of the Lord” (Jacob 2:4). However, he then told them he knew their thoughts, that they were “beginning to labor in sin, which sin appeareth very abominable … unto God” (Jacob 2:5). “I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of your hearts” (Jacob 2:6), he added. Jacob was speaking as Jesus spoke when He said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matt. 5:28; see also 3 Ne. 12:28; D&C 59:6; D&C 63:16).
Dallin H Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave a talk on Pornography back in April of 2005. I wish all men would read it, and then read it again.
“The immediate spiritual consequences of such hypocrisy are devastating. Those who seek out and use pornography forfeit the power of their priesthood. The Lord declares: “When we undertake to cover our sins, … behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man” (D&C 121:37).”
Pornography produces fantasies that destroy spirituality. “To be carnally minded is death”—spiritual death (Rom. 8:6;
Dallen H Oaks: One of the Savior’s most memorable teachings applies to men who are secretly viewing pornography:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
“Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also” (Matt. 23:25–26; see also Alma 60:23).
I won’t quote anymore from this talk, because I love every single word and I would be here all day. I used to shame and belittle those with pornography because of how much it impacted me… The hardest part though was less of how I felt, and more so about how I started to feel about them. Respect was out the window, trust was completely gone, security didn’t exist, and all intimacy was fake. Hatred and resentment grew and spread like a wildfire in my heart. This is where the enemy won me over, this is where he got in and ruined it all. My tenderness was replaced with pure anger. An anger that consumed me.
Pornography Is from Satan and if you’re reading this, the Lord led you here for a reason. Again Jacob said “). He told them they had “broken the hearts of [their] tender wives, and lost the confidence of [their] children, because of [their] bad examples before them” (Jacob 2:35).
Is temporary pleasure worth losing it all? If marriage/family issues arise and pornography is present, I can tell you right now that’s a huge reason. Not all, but a huge one. Having the pure eyes of Christ means living in all the ways he did. Only put things in front of you that are of Him, and nothing else. This is the only way to find true happiness.
If I am speaking to the woman crying in front of her mirror, picking herself apart questioning if she is enough, please know you are. Your body is beautiful. I know in our deepest emotions it is so hard to see our men as good godly men capable of leading your families, but I promise it’s a lie from the enemy. If your Husband struggles with this, do not make the mistake I did and shame him. Pray for him, every single day. Pray over this addiction, that the enemy will be cast out completely. Pray that the Lord will protect him and give him the eyes of Christ in all he does. Pray over him. Pray over him. I know the pain and anger, just trust God in It. Lay it at the cross and believe your Husband will overcome it, because of the Atonement he can. He is not too far gone, he needs your love. He needs your prayers. Your Husband needs you, His Wife. His Rib. His one flesh. Do not give up on him.
Pray for him again and again and again. Jesus is with you and our Father in Heaven hears you. You are not alone.
If am speaking to the man who is bound to the chains of Pornography, please rid yourself of it once and for all. Seek help if you need, do not be ashamed to speak to someone about it.. You are seen and loved. Your wives are depending on you, your sons will suffer from the very thing you do not heal from. Your daughters will marry men just like you. You are not your addiction and you can overcome it. If you have a Wife read God’s word over and over again on what he says in Proverbs
5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
5:19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Men let your wives breasts satisfy you only! Do not fall to the enemies lies anymore, it is not worth breaking your wives hearts and confidence your children have within you. Even if you are doing it in secret or have an excuse for it, you are still hurting yourself spiritually and in return it affects how you lead your home.
The power of a praying Wife is a strong one. Truly a force to be reckoned with. I pray for my Husband, daily. I don’t know where he is in this world, but I pray for his health, his mind, his addictions his walk with God, the influences in his life, his council, his family, his transportation, etc.. I do it DAILY all throughout my day.. I pray so hard for that man because as his Wife God has given me the authority to do so and is it what he asks of me. I do it, because there is nothing more than I love than praying for my Husband. I know God is strengthening my husband right now in this very moment. He is shaping him into a valiant virtuous son of God. He is molding him into the best Father for our children and the best example for my future sons! Ladies, pray for your Husbands, pray that God moves on them today! Their addiction does not define them, their mistakes do not define them. They are good men, they will be delivered, they will be saved, and they are your covenant spouse for a reason. Do not give up on them, they are worth fighting for.
Forgive and forgive again and encourage them to have Eyes as pure as Christ’s.
Our Dear kind and gracious Heavenly Father.
Thank you for this day and all you continue to bless us with in our lives. Thank you for your eyes and heart that are so so pure. Thank you for showing us truth and revealing us the lies and schemes of the enemy. Thank you for using me as your greatest vessel and giving me the boldness to speak on this worldly topic. Lord, pornography is spreading like a wild fire and I fear so much for our children. My heart aches for the little boys who will grow into men with this life altering addiction, and for the young women who are led to believe their worth lies only in views on a screen. Please Lord, remove it once and for all. It is from the enemy, it is so evil. You made sex only for married men and women. This world has twisted it, God. Reveal truth, show them the enemy is behind it all. Thank you Heavenly Father for opening my eyes to things I once was unable to see. Thank you for daily working on giving me eyes as pure as yours. Thank you for allowing me to see all the enemy masks in my life. Thank you for giving me boldness to remove all worldly things and hold fast to your promises. Thank you for showing me that I am most beautiful when I am modest. I have never felt more sexy and confident than I do now and it is because I am pure, I am worthy, and my identity is in you. Thank you Heavenly Father for touching this reader right now and bringing them to this blog, they needed this. I know they did. You told me they did, whoever it is someone needed this. I needed the reminder, because the world makes things seem so "normal." The dating world is so scary, but my discernment is so sharp and my value is so costly that I refuse to let just anyone in. I thank you for that, Lord. I am a woman of value. This Man and Woman are valued. Lord help us to not fall to the enemies lies. Don't allow us to do it because "everyone else does it. Lord, help us go against the grain, be the change the world needs. Our children are looking up to us. What do they see? Their Fathers as strong spiritual leaders, providers and protectors? Their Mothers as examples of homemaking, being modest/pure, and how to be a woman in today's world?. Lord if we are not like this, help us be. I know having eyes as pure as Christ's will allow our children the same. Heavenly Father help us be an example to them, be the example to others, just be like Christ and stay so far from the worldly way... I know it's a dead end, you've shown me this, please show this reader it's a dead end. It only leads to spiritual death. Show us, shape, guide us Lord. We are here as your willing servants. Right now, I bind up the spirt of pornography, lust, desire, temptation, impure thoughts, double mindedness, double faced spirits, contention, pride, ego that does not allow us to see any of our addiction. Today you are removing all addictions both past, present, and future. I say this boldly and humbly. You are going to give us all the Pure Eyes Of Christ, we will physically not be able to view things from the enemy, comfortably. It will make is violently ill. Because they are not viewing an attractive man/woman, they are viewing your children. They are viewing a little girl who did not grow up with a strong fatherly influence and because of she turned to pornography. They are watching the men who view women as nothing but objects and things to be used. Pornography addictions are done, you have removed it today! In the sacred name of our savior and beloved son, Jesus Christ.
If you or anyone you love is struggling with pornography, know your Father in Heaven LOVES YOU so much. He sent his only son to die for your sins. You're not alone, and you're not weak to ask for help. We all struggle with something. You don't have to struggle alone. This a great talk and I encourage all men to read it.
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